The following story is a composition created by a 16 year-old boy and his older sister one summer day.
[from the voice of the 16 year-old boy] "I have gone mad and Donald the clown has died along with Mr. Caribu. Now what is left is what is myself, although, I am not myself...
No hate
No love
Nothing but the higher form of Caribu. Eat, sleep, breath, over and over. No frills, no chills, no air hockey.
The Empty, which is what I call my mortal sheel, is a vagabond, the perfect Hobo clown in the most Empty meaning. Because just like a man in a clown suit the empty must hide. The only constant is the image who is God. The image directs The Empty.
The Empty left the home of the Awakening, went down the road to the crossroads. I am not sure which road the Empty took but the image led him down the one he took. THE Empty would graze on weeds and grass but only what the image told him too. For forty days The Empty traveled, directed by the image never meeting a soul. On the day 41..." [the older sister's voice takes over here] "he goes into a bar. He is directed by the image, which is God, and the image tells him what is good, as his mind floods with the image of the peaceful caribu, and what is bad, as his eyes break under the hooves of the bucking bronco. He goes to the edge of the bar and the image directs him to look under a stool, where he finds a quarter. The image directs him to a payphone, he inserts the quarter and the image, which is God, tells him what to dial. Over the phone he hears, 'Congratulations, You're our 9th caller. You've won $5,000 dollars KYLE sweepstakes, as well as, free tickets to an opera.'
He realizes he is no longer The Empty, becuase he's no longer empty. The image, who is not God, but his god, has made him greed incarnate. Shortly after that, he realizes he must have been wrong because he was robbed by a toothless, yellow-bellied strawberry field migrant worker from West Virginia"
(This writing was composed by my husband, Kyle when he was 16 and his sister Rachel.)
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