On my way to work I pass you, you pitiful unsightly creature turning over trash cans and ravaging through the jumbled mess...all in search of "Hillbilly Heroin". I drive powerless to stop you, only able to save myself, protected by my vehicle which keeps me encapsuled from your savage war. This war is not yours alone, but you fight alone everyday...as do so many others like you.
Slightly distracted by your world, I look up and notice a driver swerve to make the turn ahead and I wonder are they trapped by the same "blues" you are? I think to myself how many of you are taking these things for pain management when you find, you are quickly addicted. Addicted to a war within yourself. These little pills are often compared to bringing you the same euphoria of heroin, yet they are given legally by doctors. Of course, many of you no longer are getting them legally...because they are so addicting and the battle begins to maintain that feeling, you felt the first time and to stay there. And hence, you begin your dumpster diving, searching for the ones someone threw away, only to be saved by you their hero. Their hero to take a journey with, to the other side.
At night, I am stopped in my tracks by the sounds of your fury. I hear you fighting with your "girlfriend", telling her in not so many glorious words how you have scored a few pills to keep you going one more day. Then you tell her she is a "fucking junkie, because she has no will power to spread them out and make 'em last, and that she can fucking go, leave". You are fighting with your own war, you are in the middle of feening yourself. The war releases its' demon as you continue to battle this out with her. You will continue to scrape the bottom of barrels and continue to fight alongside the other crabs in the pot, fighting for that last bit to stay alive, before the lid closes you in...suffocation You tell her that you will pay all her bills, and she can have everything you own. The problem is you are both trapped, trapped in your own wars with this addictive beast- Oxycodone.
Oxycodone is known by many names. Her prescription names include: Percodan, Oxycontin, Percocet, Endocet, Magnacet, Primalev, Primlev, Roxicet, Tylox and Xolox. Her street names sound like club, coffehouse and band names: Roxies, Blues, Perks, '30s, Oxy, OC, Oxy 80s, Killers, Kickers, Hillbilly Heroin, and Blueberries.
The beast was born in Germany, in 1916 developed as a semi-synthetic opioid. In 1950, this beast was unleashed under the name Percodan, but then the beast was smaller, only 5 mg. Over the years, after being rebirthed, she reemerged in Oxycontin, containing 80 mg of the beast. That is when she unleashed her full terror and havoc on our nation, crippling so many to her physical dependence. She takes hold of you and impairs your thinking and your reactions. She turns your world upside down, you struggle to survive, you yearn to live.
At some point our nation realized the beast's holy terror, they grabbed hold of her and transformed her nature once again, lowering her back down to 20 or 30 mg. Somehow they thought this would tame her, but she is relentless. She consumes everyone who tastes her.
Her ruthless addictive qualities provoke those who seek her sin into dealing her magic they "...go into a pharmacy with a prescription for 60 percocet 30mg, and with their insurance pay a co-pay of lets say $10? ...and then sell each pill for $20-30 each"(Pill epidemic). Those who can no longer get a prescription follow her into the lowly depths of stealing and scouring dumpsters. Or worse begin selling sexual favors in exchange for the "blues" or money to buy the "roxies".
The beast does not just torment those who taste her either, her blood shed touches all the family members and friends who stand by helpless, as they watch their loved ones consumed by the succubus beast. One mother after discovering the pills in her daughters backpack, took them and flushed them down the toilet, little did she know she was only providing her a slow drip to the beast. By flushing them, the mother just added the drug into their water supply, "...utility companies contend the water is safe, experts from private organizations and government say they can't say for sure whether the levels of the drugs in drinking water are low enough to discount harmful effects" (WebMD). "We know that kids, including babies and toddlers, as well as, fetuses are more susceptible to environmental exposures because their bodies are still developing and their exposure on a pound -per-pound basis is higher. And they lack the detoxification system adults have. So it not unreasonable to expect they would be at a higher risk" (WebMD). When the mother realized this she was devastated, not only was she providing her teenage daughter a slow drip to the beast, but now she exposed her son to the beast's vices, who was just 4 years old.
Many in our nation overlook or ignore the beast's power hold she has in this war. She has the ability to blind those who have not tasted her, so we cannot see that she is pulling out the seams of our woven fabric. She wants to watch us fall. For those who have tasted her bitter poison, they cannot see anything but her. They are enticed by her and begin chasing her down her hellashish rabbit hole and Alice is not there to help. All you are left with is the collision of the jabberwocky, the mad hatter and all the other characters in Wonderland, while the Beast-the queen holds the fate of your heart and if you let her, she will keep you locked in that downward spiral. If you want to live, you will struggle to figure it out, never knowing when you last tasted her, and if her temptation will ever suck you in again, after all she is the Queen of all Succubi!
[Special thanks to the following sources for references:]
http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z guides/features/drugs-in-our-water
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