Tuesday, January 29, 2013


When you were growing up did you know what day your mom and dad got paid? And if so, do you know why you knew that? I am just wondering because a friend and I were talking recently and trying to figure out when this generation after the Y's and the X'ers came along that feels so entitled to everything NOW. I ask this question, because my friends' children got in their head that because their father got paid on a specific day, that it meant they were going to be able to go to the store and buy more toys. Mind you, this was after Christmas too. My friend, was deeply bothered that her children would even think this, as she has never taught them to assume they get whatever they demand. In fact, she teaches them to be frugal, to know that there are ways to stretch your money...she shows them how to shop for nice clothes at second hand stores, such as the Goodwill. So you can see why she was so troubled by their notion to spend their father's paycheck. We both discussed where they would have gotten this idea and thought, is it from their peers, is it from the commercials on t.v., where did they get this from? We both shared that we didn't know what day our father's got paid growing up, and even if it was mentioned, we would never have even thought of asking if we could spend their money. We knew better. We also talked about how this seems to be an epidemic that spreading throughout our society. I see it on a daily basis, young adults not only assuming their parents will pay for their wants, but demanding it. Somewhere we have lost this generation to what values, morals and ethics mean and why they are important. It is not simply that they feel entitled either, it is how they go through everyday life carrying this badge of entitlement like they are the law. Excuse me, but I thought to lay down the law you needed to be a judge, police officer, lawyer or military personel, all of which require some sort of training and/or education. My peers and I have often discussed how when we were growing up we were always told if we wanted something bad enough, we had to work for it. Meaning get a job and earn the money to buy what you wanted, our parents bought us what we needed: food, clothes, and kept a roof over our heads.

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